Wednesday, February 2, 2011

11 things

First off, I have the prettiest team on the planet.
Second, thank you to one of my dearest and oldest friends 
for taking pictures Friday at the game. Love ya Cort. 
Third, State is Friday at UVU, we are out for blood.
Fourth, sytycd is tomorrow and they don't allow cameras. boo.
Fifth, Maddi P. tore her hamstring Friday at the game...what does that mean?
We re-did every formation and put alternates in two dances on Monday.
What does that mean for us? We overcome, we build, we conquer, and we kill it Friday-- LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO! Love my girls. 
Sixth, I had a math test yesterday and I think I bombed it.
Seventh, I freakin hate -2 degree weather.. Go to hell.
Eighth, I love my husband more than anything.
He supports me in everything. I love that man.
Ninth, My family is by far the coolest family ever. 
Sorry if yours isn't as cool as mine. (haha) 
Tenth, It's my birthday month.
Eleventh, my old roommate from the Y is visiting next week!! 

It's gonna be a good month.



  1. Good luck at state! And guess what? It's my birthday month too! :)

  2. Loved the little update, Kel. And yes, your team is beautiful! Congrats with how far you've come and how well you're doing.

  3. Holla! I am so excited to hear about SYTYCD. Also, I'm super jealous you are going NY.

    PS. I love the new fonts. My question, can you do these new font w/o switching over to blogger's new templates?

  4. @cort- not sure on the fonts? I am assuming you have to have the new blogger templates to do it... sytycd was rad... it was just like tv.
