Saturday, August 14, 2010

cool club & coalition...

do these words sound familiar??
if they do, you may be from dear ole' Davis High school.
I swear I am not that far removed from high school,
but boy-- do things change quickly.
high school boys get meaner,
high school girls get cattier.
cliques get cliquier.
It's such a great opportunity to be coaching where I went to school,
but it also makes me so glad I am not 16 anymore.
man, it is rough being a 16 year old girl at Davis High.
breaks my heart.
anyway... does anyone remember the sexy 6 from 2005??
Well they have something kind of like them now...
they call themselves the 'stoop boys' or something like that.
every Friday or Monday not sure which,
they have 'stoop news' where they spread meaningless gossip and awful rumors about people in the school...
gahhh high school is hard and boys are so mean at that age... especially Dart boys,
not that incorrect rumors being spread is enough they TEXT BLAST the whole school?
when did 'gossip girl' come to Kaysville??
I love my job and my 26 girls and the school and it's rich tradition...
but this one tradition, needs to die out quickly...



  1. Wow that's messed up!
    Maybe I was just a bigger loser than I thought in high school but what was the "sexy 6?" lol.

  2. Ha.. that's like "da boyz" when I was in school! Ridiculous!

  3. the sexy 6 at least weren't mean though! Haha.
    and this is why i like coaching at a smaller high school... they are so much nicer. seriously. some high school boys can be so mean...

  4. I know, they weren't mean at all... oh the stories I could tell of how awful these boys can get... it's really bad... like bad enough that I should call MTV and turn it into a reality show!!

  5. wow. davis high school needs a news flash about what life is all about. how sad. maybe i will home school, or just not have kids.

  6. Wow! Your stories would probably have me in tears, i hate stuff like this!

  7. Bailey told me about all of the girl cliques at Davis now,'s all bad news. I think they even have a "Sexy 6". High school was just seems stressful now.

  8. I am so glad I am not 16 again, but I sure do with I could get a job teaching at DHS. I'm sure you are a great example to your girls and I hop[e one day, you and I will work together! ;)

    Want to play this week? I have Monday and Tuesday off.

  9. Man that's rough, it almost makes me not want to have kids.

    Ps Cort and Kel we're going to Cherry hill today you guys should come!

  10. Wowzers! How are people so ruthless? The gossip in Davis County in general-so lame. Poor girls though! Glad they have an awesome coach to help them through! Good job lady...
