Friday, January 21, 2011

Region 1 Drill

Hey All,
Guess what I am going to blog about... your favorite subject. My D'Ettes. I'm so lame, I know. Today we had our last team practice on OUR floor before Region. Region is Monday night at Roy High @6p (In case you wanted to come)... Today my girls practiced like champions. They practiced like it was the night of Region and they killed it. I even cried, I haven't cried all year when they have danced. Today that changed, they did Jazz for me and it was beautiful and strong and emotional and exciting and I loved every second of it. They WANT this, I WANT this for them. The hardest part is sitting back now, knowing I have done everything that I know how to do, to make this happen for them. Today I had them line up on the edge of the floor close their eyes and grab their teams hands, they walked their home court, length and width wise. I made them write down how many steps it was, each way. Tomorrow I plan on having them do the exact thing, assuming the steps are the same- they will realize that the floor they are dancing on, has now become their floor. THEY OWN IT, it is theirs for the taking... if they want it. I am really excited this Monday. I probably have too much excitement. And, remember my previous post about fb, well I am glad I have it today.... today my girls flooded status updates all said things like- do you want it?? because we do, or if you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it? or just let it slip... or I LOVE MY TEAM... things like this pump me up and make my warm feel good fuzzies go crazy. I am so proud of them and what they have built, they have so much talent and I am so glad I got the job to harness it and turn it into a team... one team. I'll leave you with their cheer (26 crazy teenage girls screaming at the top of their lungs- got the sound?) "We're all for one! We're one for all!! We're all for Davis High D'Ettes!! Ahhhhh yea yea yea just do it!! Represent.... You Gotta Want it, to WIN it- and WE WANT IT MORE!! (x3) I sure do love those girls... they mean the world to me.



1 comment:

  1. The girls look so good! They'll do great Monday. Your facebook post is funny.
