Monday, March 28, 2011


ugghhh... school is stressing me out.

I am at the point where you are just trying to keep your head above water.

Too many things to do.

Not enough hours in the day.

I had myself convinced I was going to take summer semester off.

Until I registered for classes today that is--

I am taking 12 credits again... why do I do this?

Not give myself a break, ever?? Really..

Because then I get to graduate sooner...

and make "real" money sooner...


Cheers to Graduating Class of 2012...

Until then I need a personal cheerleader...



  1. YOU CAN DO IT KELLI! Tyler has the same graduation date so I am right there rooting for the both of ya!!

  2. Go kelli (what what) Go Kelli! K E L L I spells Kelli! WOOO go ya, go fight win! Alright ya! (insert spirit fingers here.....)

  3. Hang in there girl! In a year from now you will have a big happy face :). And the money you will have will bring another big happy face :) !!!
