Thursday, November 24, 2011


Well, it is hard to even put into words my gratitude this year. 
My little family of one has had an incredibly changing year and by April we will have a son, 
who I already can't imagine living without.  
I am so grateful that I am able to carry this child and that he will hopefully get here healthy! 
Yesterday we had our "big" u/s and we saw that he had all of the things he is supposed to have. 
Here is a picture of my boy with his hands on his face turned right at the u/s. 

There is nothing quite like seeing something you and your husband have created 
doing backflips inside of you! 
I need to express my gratitude for my incredible husband.
I am the luckiest girl, I married the most amazing man.
I am always so proud to tell people about my husband, because I think he is the best man I know.
He is my best friend in the whole world!
I know he will be the most amazing father, if you have seen him with kids you know this too. 
I love him more than simple words could ever say.

I always talk about my amazing family on my blog, but I have the best one ever.
I am so grateful for them and their unconditional love.
I have the best parents my Mom and Dad have spent countless hours supporting and loving and giving advice (even if you don't want it) and I would be lost without them.
My sisters are the best, I look up to my older sisters as Mothers and pillars of women I hope to become, and my baby sister is becoming one of my best friends, she is beautiful and her humor and the women she is becoming is so fun to see. I love them each so very much!!
I am so grateful for my in-laws as well. The Knight's are amazing, I married into such a great family.
They have loved and welcomed me from day one and I am lucky to have 
such a big family on that side!



Last but not least, my friends....As more of my friends are pregnant and are thinking about starting families I am excited to see them become mothers! I have some pretty amazing friends, new and old... near and far. I am so grateful to have been able to have some of my same best friends for over twenty years and some of my new best friends in the last six years. Good friends are rare and I am grateful to have a few. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!



  1. Oh Kel, you are just amazing! :)

  2. KPK, I am so happy for you guys. I am so grateful to have you in my life!
