Thursday, December 22, 2011

lunch date!

Today I got together with some of my oldest and loveliest friends! 
We went to Robintino's (YUMMM) 
and sat and talked for another hour and a half after we were through eating. 
I sure do love having great friends, 
they mean so much to me and it was nice to see them at this time of year! 
We go far too long without seeing each other sometimes, 
but when we do get together... 
it is like not one day has passed. 
So for your viewing pleasure, 
an oldie-but a goodie from the past and the current picture from today! 

Happy Holidays!!

Cortnie, Brooke, Me, Shantel, Tiffanie
February 2003
Tiffanie, Me, Brooke, Cortnie
December 2011



  1. HOly Cow!!!!! I don't think Tiff has aged a day! Me on the other hand, I'm old. It was great hanging out with you too. I could have sat there all day long.

  2. You all look great! Fun times with friends.

  3. Brooke you don't look old, remember- if you look old I look old and I for sure look 16 still... okay maybe 17. It was so much fun to talk- love you girls(women?)!

  4. Hahahaha, I just lost my marbles laughing at this! Oh my word that was the best blast from the past! Lunch was lovely...let's do it more often. I could chow on those breadsticks everyday!! Love you!
