-14.10 lbs (35%)
-26 Inches (55%)
-Extremely Active
-Constantly flailing around
-Likes to cuddle
-Sits up with assistance
-Ticklish on his neck and ribs, but only via kisses
-Takes about 4 naps a day
-Will eat anything you give him, so not picky.
-Started to fight the "going to bed" holding position.
-Tricking him to sleep
-Loves, loves, loves baths.
-Sleeps in his Crib
-Acid Reflux
-Still likes to be rocked like he is on a roller coaster
-Loves being outside, it always calms him down
-When I kiss his cheeks he always turns and gives me big slobbery kisses
-Biggest Blue eyes ever.
-Drooling monster
-Spit Up King
-Enfamil AR
-Starting to transition from Bf to Formula
-Likes standing and sitting up better than laying down
-Great at focusing on things
-Can grab a toy and bring it to his mouth
-Again so so active and interactive
I think that is the majority of it!
Archer is such an incredible blessing in our lives. I couldn't be happier being his Momma. Granted we have had ups and downs and Arch likes things done his way, but he has been the King of the house ever since he was born. The only thing he isn't picky about is food. He is typically a happy, flailing baby, unless he is hungry- we always joke that he has two levels 1 and 10, and when he is at a 10- you best be getting him food! I love him more than words could ever say, I miss him when he naps, but am always grateful to sit down for a minute. My life has changed immensely over the past couple months, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Loving my crazy beautiful boy.
Love me some Archer Man!