Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: A year of Growth.

2012 what would it be like if someone else got to walk in my shoes for parts of this year.

{1}Trials: I went through through some insane trials while coaching. I found out a lot about myself and who I am. I had people attack my character and try to defame who I am. I learned I am a lot stronger than I thought I ever could be. I went through quite a bit, that I have mostly kept to myself and within my family. Through it all I grew and became an even better version of myself.

-My resolution from the experience is to be able to forgive. I have moved on with my life and no longer feel anger every day, my last step is complete forgiveness. Being able to forgive even though I know these people will never admit they are sorry. Ever. I am stronger than that, so if you read this and we never cross paths again- know I forgive you for all the hurt you caused me. For every tear I cried over your unwarranted hate towards me- I FORGIVE YOU.

{2}Oh pregnancy: it was rough on me being pregnant. I was sick, the entire way through. Pregnancy is like being sea sick for me, for nine months straight.

-I resolve to fight harder through my next pregnancy, to do more. (no this is not an announcement.)

{3}Parenthood and Postpartum: My life changed the instant I held my son. He is by far the most incredible thing to ever come into my life. There is nothing that compares to the love you have for your child. That being said, some days and nights- like after the fourth feeding of the night around 4am it is hard. Being a Mom is amazing, but trying. I had baby blues, bad. My hormones took control of me and I had to fight so hard to get back to being myself. I am not sure why postpartum is so taboo. My Doctor told me that of those pregnant 75% get baby blues and another half of that deal with post pardum depression in some way. It was a hard two months for me, but I figured it out with the help of a loving husband, mother, and mother in law.

-I resolve to not let societies definitions of what I should be or the type of Mom I should be put pressure on me. I love who I am, I love my child and my husband with my whole entire heart. I know that if I am doing everything I do with love in my heart that it is right.

{4}Life as a Wife: I want to be a better wife. Run a better household. I am organized yes, but sometimes everything gets away from me. Or sometimes I like to pretend like I don't have three loads of laundry to do and eight bottles to wash on top of last nights dishes. I am chasing a crawling guru, pulling himself up on everything, eating everything, pulling anything down, baby most of the day. I just want the laundry fairy to visit those days. (that would be everyday)

-I resolve to plan better. To keep my home running like a well oiled machine. I really will try to do laundry every other day, so it doesn't make tiny mountains. I want to try to do my dishes every single night before I go to bed, so I can wake up to a clean kitchen.

And last but not least- I want to loose 10lbs... hahahahaha I say that every year, but I really do. Focusing on my health is not selfish and I need to remember that.

I am so looking forward to 2013.
I have so many things to be grateful for.
My life is full and I am lucky in love.
Yes 2012 had challenges, but I learned from them.
So I consider it a wild success.

Cheers to 2013!

Happy New Year!


PS Archer's stats are updated on his tab.


  1. You go girl. 2013 will be great for all of us, I hope.

  2. You go girl. 2013 will be great for all of us, I hope.

  3. Kelli, I love reading your blog. You inspire me to be better and to try new things. I have especially found your blog helpful since now being a mom!
    Thank you SO MUCH for your comment on my blog about Cole's sleeping issues. You made me feel better about myself and what I am trying to do. I felt like I was trying to hide that sometimes I really struggle, but I am so glad that I finally said something because so many people, including you, have reached out with words of encouragement and love. I appreciate you so much!
