Friday, February 1, 2013

sometimes when

things feel broken or like I can't catch a break. I remind myself that things in my life are just things.
There are people that matter and they make an effort, and the ones that don't, well I guess I just move on.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to actually be the one who snaps back, what would it be like to spend a day not being the bigger person? I can't even imagine...
The high road sometimes gets lonely.

I need to remember...
It's just a bad day, not a bad life. (author unknown) 

I need to remember to count my blessings. I have a beautiful healthy son. A husband who works hard to provide for us and loves me unconditionally. He supports me in my writing pursuits and is the best man I know. I have an amazing family and extended family. I have a few great relationships with friends that I know won't break my heart. Sometimes being an adult and creating lasting friendships is harder than I thought it would be. Especially being a Mom with a young babe. It takes work and understanding. It takes people who love you not matter what and don't judge you or bad talk you when you walk out of the room. I have a few people in my life that have made me become a better version of myself and I am truly grateful for you, you know who you are.

Am I taking on a new project and doing something that people maybe didn't know about me, yes I am. Have I always liked writing? YES, I was one of the editor's for my high school newspaper. (little known fact) I am proud of what I am doing and the woman I am. I am learning acceptance of myself. My Mom and I talk that it takes years and years to find out who you really are. It's not turning 18, or graduating college, or getting married, or becoming a mother that defines you. I am learning every day, week, month, and year who I am. It is a helluva journey and I'm trying to take in every moment of it.

And for your viewing pleasure, my adorable baby.


he never ever stops moving.
he's like the energizer bunny, that one. 


  1. I know hun... it's tiring sayin "I don't wanna be the bigger person this time!" And I'd like to say it pays off.. but you still kmpw everthing that was said about you and you still got your feelings hurt and probably still cried about it (bc I know we are cry babies). The only difference is, you have the strength to tell that anger and hate that it doesn't have a place in your life. That you can choose to be happy. I sure do love you! -KTB your bestie

  2. Thank you. Seriously. I quoted you on my most recent post (is that okay?) :) you said it exactly have I have been trying to for so long. Keep up on the writing!

  3. I love that quote. Thanks for this post. I am so excited for you to write! You are such a rockstar. I love you Kel! :)
