I am writing.
Lazily. (Is that a word?)
But I am working on three different projects depending on my mood.
1. Thalassa Book 2 (YA Fantasy)
2. "secret" WIP (YA Thriller/Fantasy)
3. Trying my hand at a romance novel (NA)
I am the furthest along with #2, but am in a groove with #1 right now.
We will see what the week brings.
A note on the waiting game:
I have got a few questions about the status of things since my New York trip to the Writer's Digest Conference. I am still waiting to hear from four agents. It is an extremely long process, it is slow, that is just the way it is. I promise I am super anxious to hear anything. I have received some very polite and helpful rejections, but it is part of the business and I am not terribly upset by it. I keep moving forward and writing because I love it and I believe in what I write. Most often it takes anywhere from three months to a year to hear back from agents. So I am in the holding pattern and that is A-OK.
I am not sure of the industry standard on discussing this sort of thing. So I keep it to a minimum.
I am new to the Literary world and am extremely fascinated by it.
Any advice, wisdom, and love is welcome here!
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