Sunday, December 12, 2010

realignment of regions

I know to some of you this may not be a big deal... but UHSAA realigned regions for the next two years a couple weeks ago... Differences for the drill team world, Hillcrest is going 4A. Along with Clearfield and Roy. Also, Viewmont is NO LONGER in Davis' region... in 5A all of the regions are divided up equally into 6 schools per Region... Which means only 3 school from each region get to go to State for drill... And 4A drill just got a whole lot more interesting, Hillcrest v. Bountiful LOVE IT! Not that a lot of people who read this will really care, but this a a pretty big deal for me... Just sayin'!

On a side note I got the worst cold ever the past couple days, the one that is going around... that everyone has. It knocked me down pretty good. Today is the first day I feel somewhat better and I still haven't left my house- the good news is I have sneezed less than 20 times today. Gahh go away cold, I don't have time for you.

My girls {d'ettes} have their first competition this week. I have so many mixed emotions coming up on this Saturday. I am so excited and nervous, I just really want them to know that their hard work was for something! We are having a Competition Send Off at Davis on Wednesday at 7pm! It is free, the only time during the year when you can see them dance for free... which is nice- come out and support them and me if you have the time. I know it's a crazy time of year.

Hope you all have finished your Christmas shopping (I haven't) and are seeing too much of your family and are eating way to many sugar cookies. I love you all, Happy Holidays!!



  1. What the? Hillcrest 4A?! Interesting things.... Good luck to your girls! They will do amazing I'm sure!

  2. That is crazy! But I am happy, I highly dislike Hillcrest so I am glad Davis no longer has to compete against them :) I'm glad you mentioned there was a competition at Davis Wed. night.. My sister and I just might have to head on over to get our drill team high.

  3. I'm glad you posted this, because I saw the realignment on FB but didn't understand what the implications would be. Very interesting. Good luck at Jordan on Saturday! Man I remember that being a LONG FREAKING DAY. have fun.

  4. They really redid them???? That's awesome Hillcrest is 4A. So who is against Davis anyway?

  5. Layton, Syracuse, Northridge, Weber, Fremont, Davis=Region 1
