Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jordan Competition and Christmas Traditions

Well, my girls competed in their first competition of the season yesterday. They performed well, had awesome energy and loved the day. I heard them saying over and over, I just want to go dance again, it was so fun! Which is really what it is all about.
Placement wise we got 4th in kick, coming in right behind the Salt Lake schools... 6th in Dance, and we tied for 6th in Military-but ended up at 7th, due to a lost tie breaker to Fremont.
(Note: Davis, for whatever reason, has a history of having a hard time placing well at Jordan...any d'ette or coach from Davis could attest to this. )
At the beginning of the year, I wasn't planning on attending this competition, I just don't love it. It is an extremely long day and far from home and it is huge, which is a bad and a good thing- I got to see the competition, but also it was so overwhelming. I just am not sure it is worth it. There were 15 teams in the 5A catergory, almost as much as State.

I don't think I will go back to Jordan next year, after spending 15+hours at the high school yesterday, it was exhausting. I think the girls would have done just as well at Bountiful or a competition closer to home, and plus we would save on expenses- no hotels. They would have had the performing and competing experience, just not so long of a day... That's just my train of thought today about the competition.

The girls have worked so hard and did EXTREMELY well yesterday.. they executed well, had great facials, had very minor mistakes, most of my judging comments were minor things that I can fix before our next competition. They always talk about representing Davis, and let me tell you they did.

I am so proud of my girls and how hard they have worked, the countdown for Region begins now. I know the girls will continue to work hard. They are such an incredibly talented group of young women and I am so impressed by them, they amaze me on a daily basis. I love my job (or service project- like my husband says) it truly has been a dream come true, that I didn't know I even had. Traditions in excellence indeed, my girls had great sportsmanship yesterday as well, clapping and wishing good luck to every team on and off the floor.

Jordan Beet usually does mean one other thing, that Christmas is a week away...

I am sure my husband will be happy to have a drill team free wife for the next 10 days- it's a mandated moratorium... So until then, I am shopping, baking cookies, and seeing many, many extended family members.

We are lucky this year, because it is my father in law Greg's 60th birthday- so 7 of the 8 children in Bk's family will be here for Christmas- Which is EXTREMELY rare for the Knight's. I am so excited to see all the brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews- some of them has been two years. My husbands family is scattered across the US in Texas, Conneticut, North Carolina, and Nevada- it will be great to have everyone together.

I am lucky enough to have my family all within thirty minutes, my Mom has always made us practice Christmas traditions... as a child I often thought she was over the top... Now I can only hope to give the same Christmas' to my future family that she made for us. She wanted all of our hopes and dreams to come true and I can't ever remember being disappointed on Christmas- My Dad always reading from the Bible on Christmas Eve, my Mom always so excited to give her children everything she could... I can't thank my parents enough for all they did for me and my sisters growing up- I am finally realizing more and more as an adult all the tiny and big things they always did to make each of us feel special and loved. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart.

With all of that, I hope you all take a minute to think of your favorite traditions and Christmas memories. I always think of the people I love and that love me at this time of year and find myself so overcome with emotion on how truly blessed I have been, not with worldly things, but with such incredible family members in my life. My two older sisters who set amazing examples for me, my baby sister who is growing up so fast and becoming more beautiful and charismatic every day. My Mom who is truly my very best friend, who I can only hope to become half the women that she is. My Dad who I am too much like, who loves and cares for many, who is extremely spiritual, and gives very sound advice like "stop being such a girl." My husband who truly is my other half, we couldn't be more opposite or more made for each other. I am so happy to have him in my life. He makes me a better person.

I hope this holiday season everyone finds love in their hearts and remembers the true reason for the season.

Wise men still seek him.



  1. Are you guys going to the Clearfield competition? I'd like to come to one. I can't wait to see them perform!

  2. Yeah we are... We are first on the floor in Military at 9 am!
