Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten Years Later

"The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, 
but it can never forget what they did here..." 
Abraham Lincoln (Gettysburg Address) 
I was at the bus stop when I first heard someone say, 
"someone flew two planes into the World Trade Center."
I didn't watch TV in the mornings,  
I didn't know. 
I got to my 1st period in 9th grade in junior high.
The TV was on then.
On replay all day was one building smoking,
and another 2nd eerie plane flying into the 2nd tower.
Then the people, the people covered in gray soot. 
The people jumping out of the buildings...

I cried, most of the day.
I was still so young, and so confused. 
You feel big and strong as a 9th grader, 
but in that moment... 
I was a child.
It was the week of my Mom's last chemo treatment and I wanted to see her.
I wanted her to tell me it would be okay.
I wanted to see my Dad and my sisters. 
It changed me.
 I remember sitting in Mr. Price's world history class on 9/11.
He had the TV on mute.
With a poster size picture of Osama Bin Laden on the board.
This is who attacked us.
These terrorists had a name...
They had a face.
I have never felt anger like that, 
nor can I forget the emotions I felt that day.
I didn't know anyone personally, that died on 9/11.
But I think as Americans, 
we all feel like we all lost something that day.
Whether it was a 
Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, or Sister..
innocence, broken pieces of our hearts, or part of our freedom.

We are a strong Nation.
We were built on strife and trial.
We overcome.
No matter how long it takes, 
we will get retribution...
We can rebuild and get stronger,
it's in the American DNA.
We are not perfect,
but there is nothing in this world that compares to
the American spirit.

To the families who lost,
to the NYC service men and women,
to those at the Pentagon,
to those on Flight 93,
I will never forget. 


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