Friday, September 9, 2011

how do you?

How do you get out of a blah sort of mood? 

I have had a cold that has knocked me out this week, 
I can't really sleep and I'm just kinda pooped.  
So, because of this I have just been bumming around and am feeling kind of blah. 
So my question is, what do you do for yourself to get out of these slumps? 
How do you overcome the down in the dumps, sicky sickness attitude? 
Because I really just need to snap out of it! :) 
Happy Friday! 




  1. First things first, go get a pedicure. Then stop by Sonic and get a Cherry Limeade. Then rent a funny movie, one that really makes you laugh. At the end of the day take a leisurely walk outside (when it is cooler outside). Throw in some "Ellen" youtube clips from her show and you're set! That usually helps me at least :) I hope you are feeling better. Love you!

  2. Chocolate.....lots of chocolate!!
