Sunday, October 2, 2011

in truth

I haven't listened to a full session of Conference in years. Like maybe 7 or even 8. I have listened to talks here or there, but haven't really listened.  I don't know if it is because of this squishy babe growing inside or what inspired me to get up this morning and listen... but I did.  And it was amazing.  I loved every single talk.  I really loved the talk given by the Young Women's President that was directed towards new fathers, I cried most of that talk.  I was reminded, that I need to re-read the Book of Mormon, after all my years of being unsure of the people in the church, I was reminded that it is not about them.  It is about my relationship with God.  and I want that. So, I'm making a goal... to read or re-read the Book of Mormon. By December 5. I will be 5 months along on December 5. So it seemed like a good date. The only problem is, I don't know where my scriptures from high school are. The ones inscribed with my maiden name on them, Kelli Michelle Payne. They are highlighted and have many glue ins. Although, I think maybe it would be good to start fresh and find my own new inspirations, instead of depending on the old. So I will have to go purchase a new quad set.  I don't even know how much they cost. But I will. I am 3 months along on Wednesday, so I am giving myself 2 months. That seems like a really long time, but I know things come up... so I am going to try to stay on track. And find out what the Book of Mormon means to me, again. Can we talk about how AWESOME President Monson is, that guy is a fantastic speaker, he is so funny and still managed to have me in tears.  What a great thing to have a modern day prophet.
I remember these feelings...
I hope I can keep it up and find strength for me and this little squishy human!

see ya!


* after some advice, I may give myself a little bit more time for reading... just saying. :)


  1. I know you can do it. I should probably do it too. I loved conference.this weekend--very uplifting, as usual. Good luck with your goal.

  2. Thanks Kel for this post! I am going to do the same thing. I love you! Conference was so uplifting, I agree with everything you said. I am so happy you are having a baby! You are going to be a wonderful mom! :)

  3. I should read the BOM too...I think 2 months sounds like a short time! I have like four sets of scriptures so if you wants some with Shanae Kara Flannery on them? You know who to call. I loved Conference too. :)

  4. So I keep forgetting that you put your blog on private and just keep waiting for you to update it and get so ticked and then when I realize that you are private and have posted a couple times I get really excited! I love you friend. I love that this post was everywhere and all your thoughts. I love posts like that. Hope to see you really soon =) Oh yeah my BOM goal is to be done by May talk about a long goal ha ha but I'm going strong! a chapter a day and I'm on chapter 13 in Nephi (a little secret, I've never read it all the way through. I suck)

  5. good goal kelli. i was seriously thinking the same thing about reading the book of mormon. so often i flip around and search specific things. i need to also read it from the front to the back. it is an amazing book. you should get the book finding peace, happiness and joy by richard g. scott. it is so so unbelievably amazing.

    president monson is amazing.

  6. Do a chapter or 2 a day:) luv ya SIS!

    P.s. you think your a crier now just wait til little bk pops out, your done.for!

  7. Having a baby causes you to reflect on what the important things really are. For us it was a growing up quick experience!! Treasure every second of it cuz that time flys by and is gone. But then you get the best stuff......being grandma,,,!,
