Wednesday, November 16, 2011

just my luck

last night I was carrying some plates and something on top of them down the stairs... I missed a step and slipped and fell down about four stairs, I didn't catch myself at all because of the plates I was carrying.  The left side of my back and hip and head are all really sore, but of course my initial panic was for my baby... I was hysterical for a while, after reading some online Mom posts, it seems that if you fall on your back wit no bleeding that all should be okay with baby... as they are pretty cushioned in there. I am not really over my anxiety.  I called my OB, but they were out of the office today- the oncall DR. told me to just take it easy for the next couple days.  I just would feel better if I had my own doppiler monitoring system at home so I could hear the babies heart beat. I just wanted to write this down, so I remember it for the future.

In other news on Monday we got another quick peek at my boy, my sister had me freaking out saying she thought my last u/s looked like a girl, so my amazing OB let me have a quick look and let me assure you that he is all boy. I don't think he liked being called a girl, because he was showing off in the u/s. So baby was/is doing well, with a strong heartbeat... now if only I didn't fall down the stairs so my stupid anxiety would be calmed.


*Update* I went in and saw my OB today, I had to get an additional Rhogam shot because I have a negative blood type, and if anything might of happened we want to ensure that my blood type doesn't hurt they baby... baby is okay and we heard and saw the heartbeat today, he was just swimming around not any worse for the ware... I am finally not crying all the time... anxiety has been reassured. Thanks to my amazing Dr...

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