Saturday, December 31, 2011


I was horrible at taking pictures this year! So, I will post what I have and document what I remember. This year was our fifth Christmas together married. It also marks our last as a family of two, as baby boy will be a nine month old next year. We have the blessing and the curse of having both families so close, so we try to be everywhere and see everyone- it gets a little stressful for us, but we love our families.

*Christmas Eve we spent dinner at Texas Roadhouse with the Payne side and then quickly jetted down to Pleasant Grove to see the Knight side. We had an entertaining slide show of the most awkward family photos and a beautiful nativity, with our nieces and nephews playing the rolls. When Brandon and I got home we read a Christmas story and read a few verses from the Bible, I get so caught up in the presents that I often forget the true reason for the season. 

*Christmas Day we got up and I had made monkey bread the night before, I made enough for 5 families... Brandon and I spent the morning together, just us two- for the last time. We talked about what next year would be like and how excited and scared we are to see how this is all going to work out! Around 1 we headed to see my sisters and their families, we quickly stopped by their houses to see the loot Santa brought their kids and then went to my Moms for dinner.  One of my best friends Cortnie lived two doors away my entire life and she was at her parents on Christmas, so we got a quick belly shot- we are only 3 weeks apart.  We draw names for gifts on that side and exchange them. My sister Jenny got me the necklace in the post below and I cried when she gave it to me, it was so thoughtful and meant so much to me and I have an insane amount of hormones running through me!! 

*It was a great couple of days, but I think Brandon and I were both relieved for it to be over... it is a stressful time of year! (Not to mention drill competition season starts and finishes my holiday season every year.) We took down our tree a few days after and we both keep saying how nice and clutter free our house is. 
My sisters and I
Waiting at Texas Roadhouse
Lindsay, me, Mary, and Natalie (baby Dylan)
at the Knight Christmas Eve
Bk and I on Christmas Eve
Marley on Christmas morning!
Me (25wks) and Cortnie (22wks)
I have a boy, she has a girl.

On a side note, the nursery is coming along.  It is painted and trim is starting to be hung.  I am taking pictures at different phases in the process and will post them when we are finished! I can't believe our son will be here is three (approx.) months.  I am so excited to meet him, get to know him, and be his Mom.  I hope that we do him justice as parents... it is so amazingly scary to know that you are meant to shape this gift, pregnancy and children are such a reassurance of God and his role in our lives. I am scared beyond belief and hope to do the best job that I can with my son. So much left to do for him and time is getting short! One day at a time! 


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