Sunday, January 29, 2012

30 Weeks

this is what I am looking like these days... 
pretty awesome, I know.
large and in charge. 

Archer boy never stops moving either, 
I have a sneaking suscipsion that he is going to be an active boy! 
The nursery is nearing completion, 
we are just waiting on our crib to get here! 
I will post pictures when it is finished! 
I am getting really tired again, but I hear that it's normal.
I can't believe I will have a baby in 10 ish weeks.
I know it is happening, but I don't think it will be really real
until I am holding my son. 

It is insane how many emotions you go through while pregnant! 
If you haven't been pregnant yet, just wait...
to my friends who have, everything is forgiven-
just assume you are forgiven for anything you said while pregnant.
I am really getting antsy to have the baby out,
I am betting he will measure long...
We should start taking bets on how tall he will be at birth?



  1. Your house looked so cute today, I'm anxious to see it all done. I'm excited for the baby and you guys too!

  2. Kel you look adorable as usual. Pregnancy looks good on you :) so incredibly happy for you two! Miss you lady.

  3. I agree with Cara, pregnancy does look good on you!
