Friday, February 17, 2012


okay, I've learned my lesson- no facing forward pictures- side pictures are a little better... 
for my family and friends that are far away, here are me and baby boy at 33 weeks... 
He is going to be big, I just have a feeling- you know with my husband being 6'8" and all! 
Okay well, this weekend I have one baby shower, next week is a busy week, with a big assignment due in my psych class, birthdays, D'Ette Night to Remember, another baby shower, and sytycd filming! 
So if I am MIA for the next bit, forgive me! 
If I go into labor I will have someone post it, promise.

33 Weeks



  1. You're adorable no matter what way you face. Duh. Can't wait for your you!

  2. Had fun at your shower today. I agree with Tiff on the direction thing.

  3. No matter how you lool at it you are beautiful!

  4. so....I think you look skinnier here than in your 30 week photo. How does that work? If it makes you feel better I'm only 10 weeks and I look like I did when I was pregnant with Dax at 20 weeks. Depressing right?

  5. I think its the angle of the picture Brookie, I am turned more sideways in the 33 week pic- and you look great! Love you
