Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Final Bumps

Here they are... or I should say here he is!
My growing boy week 16-38!

It has been a roller coaster for sure.

Things for me to remember:
-You found out you were pregnant on Thursday July 28.
-You went to Tim McGraw the next weekend
-Don't fly to California in the 7th week of pregnancy, you get really sick.
-You had some complications around 9 Weeks.
-You get REALLY sick. Really. Until about 19 Weeks.
-Your husband and Mom say you are Really mean in the beginning.
-Your hip joint does not stay in its socket.
-You felt the baby stirring around 16 Weeks
-You should try not to fall down any stairs in the 2nd Trimester.
-Your husband says he is so glad you are nice again. 
-You should send Dr. Farley a million Thank You notes for being a rockstar OB.
-You felt the baby kicking hard at 20 Weeks
-You ate TOO many cheeseburgers... yummm
-Don't undergo a remodel in your third trimester again. You will go crazy.
-A Coke and a phenergan is a CURE ALL for morning (all day) sickness
-Strawberry's are amazing, the fruit, the candy flavor, the milk flavor
-You like to go into early labor around 34 Weeks due to infections, try not to get those next time.
-And then again at 36 Weeks & 5 Days, just for fun.
-The babies Nursery is complete
-Hospital bag is packed at 36 Weeks & 5 Days
-Chocolate Milkshakes are always good, any time of day. Seriously.
-You have early labor and contractions 15-20 min apart for 10 days so far... 
-Costa Vida for dinner for a week straight is not a crime in your 37th Week.
-At 38 Weeks you are dilated to a 3 and are 70% effaced. 

Hoping for baby any day now. 
Induction Date is Thursday March 29th.

Trying to patiently (or not so patiently) wait for Archer's Arrival!

Soon to be Mama!!! ahhhh!!!!


  1. Kelli, I can't believe you are that far along!!! You look great. I am so sad that I missed the shower but heard it was lovely. I can't wait to meet the newest Knight. Good luck. :)

  2. Oh I can't wait! Please send me a message when Archer gets here!

  3. Thanks Kaley and you are fine- I hope NC (is that right?) was good! And Shae I will let you know!

  4. Ahh can't wait for that phone call!!! You look fantastic by the way. Like always of course. Oh and one more thing...I'll accompany you for a cheeseburger at any time of day. Delish. Love you!!

  5. What a fun entry to have for the future baby and for you to look back on. Any day now or Thursday for sure. Can't wait.
