Sunday, February 10, 2013

Archer Update

I'm just going to put up cute pictures of my baby.
Ten Month Milestones:
Two teeth- bottom
Standing, pulling up, balancing, walking with walker, walks with furniture
Eating all foods besides milk. So excited for the day I no longer have to buy formula.
Likes to put his toys in an out of the basket or Lightning McQueens cubby, he is always exploring.
Sounds he is making: da, ma, wa, ba, ya, hi, ah, blah
Figures out what things are and basically if he can chew on it, he likes it. Otherwise he chucks it.

Love my boy.

Momma K

love me some sleeping baby

Archer and his Great Grandma Payne

just exploring

play too hard, needed a rest

just pretending to sleep in between bites

the fake cry

just cruising along