Wednesday, January 11, 2012

just a little concerning...

I had my first 3rd trimester appointment on Monday w/ my awesome OB Dr. Farley... I had to have the nasty glucose test done and while I was waiting Dr. Farley did an ultrasound on my boy and took some measurements to see where I was at and how we were looking. So I was just expecting the normal, for me that is measuring a little small blah blah... and then Dr. Farley says to me, well your baby weighs 3lbs and he should be ready to come in about 8 weeks.... I went a little frantically in my mind and I said to Dr. Farley: that is a month early... and he just started laughing and said well I guess we will see. Babies at 27 weeks (which is what I was at the appt) are supposed to measure just under 2lbs, gaining about a 1/4 ounce a week... putting him one month ahead of schedule...

Stress, I had my first "oh no!" moment in realizing that if he comes early, not only is the last month of school out the window for me, but so are D'Ette try-outs and who knows if everything will be ready... and then I started to truly understand what the nesting instinct is, sure it's nice... to feel so panicked that you aren't ready- so you just start cleaning everything and organizing everything... like I did my husbands diabetic supplies this morning and Brandon just watched me asking me why I needed to organize them into little plastic containers, I told him, if I didn't the baby would find the needles and get hurt... and my husband, bless his heart, just laughed at me and said but he can't even walk yet and then left me alone.

So, son, baby boy, I really really need you to stay in and cooking until at least March 25th... really really need you to, because Mama's got plans and school to finish up before your debut... so don't get too antsy, okay? I love you so much already.

Also, last night baby boy was having a dance party, hands, legs, fingers, toes, kicking and partying away... me and Brandon just watched and took turns feeling my belly last night... because it was the most intense baby movement session to date... after forty five minutes I was starting to think he might be bruising my insides, but whatever, feeling your child move is beyond words... it is very surreal and I love it.

I don't have any pictures for you today, I just wanted to remember my appointment from this week!

In other news, my amazing and beautiful D'Ettes have a competition this weekend... I have really high hopes, because they look freaking awesome. I will let you know the results sometime this weekend!!




  1. You are so tiny--and to be a month ahead!! I am jealous girl!

  2. Well taking off a month off pregnancy beats adding on a month! I heard your nursery is going to be really cute, I need to see it.

  3. Wow, I think I would be panicking a little too! I'm sure everything will work out perfectly!

  4. Well, kids do like to spoil plans, only for life. No worries. He will be active it sounds like.

  5. I can't wait for the little champ to make his debut!! Loved the pic you sent me today. It's all coming together so fast!!

  6. I can't believe the little man might come early--that is so exciting! Post pictures of the nursery when you get a chance...can't wait to see it.
